As the year comes to a close, let's take a look at the Best of 2023 Two-Minute Tips. Based on your viewing preferences, here are the top videos this year.

#1: The Cost of Over-Analyzing

Of course, you had to pick the one with the story about me being quite unreasonable.


#2: How to Manage Up (Four-Part Series)

#3: Why We Have Bad Managers

This one struck a chord.


#4: My Trick for Overcoming Perfectionism

This tip might come in handy as you face year-end time crunches!


#5: Is your team nice or kind?

Well, which one is it?

I hope this year's content both encouraged and challenged you. From my family to yours, wishing you a joy-filled Christmas. See you in the New Year!


Shaping Team Vibes: The Defining Factor


Near-Term Pain, Long-Term Gain