Abbey Louie

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Get the Worst Done First

We're all relieved when "the worst is over," so get the WORST done FIRST this week, and put it behind you! What task comes to mind that you've been dreading? Yep, that one. You keep finding watertight reasons to postpone it, which feels good in the moment, but doesn't save you from seeing it on your to-do list the next day... week... you get the idea.

This week's tip is simple, but powerful - take care of that pesky task right away, instead of saving it for later. If you're not familiar with the Mark Twain quote, it jokingly captures this concept. Twain said, "Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day."

What "frog" do you need to eat this week?

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