The Blog

A collection of ideas and resources.

Team Development Abbey Louie Team Development Abbey Louie

Slow Down to Speed Up

In this short video, I share a heartwarming story about a little boy in my Sunday school class who taught me an important lesson about slowing down to connect before diving into work. We could all benefit from being a little more like him...

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Team Development, Personal Development Abbey Louie Team Development, Personal Development Abbey Louie

What happened when I asked for help

A few months ago, I shared the story of Eva, the daughter of dear friends, who is courageously battling terminal brain cancer. Eva’s dream is to leave a lasting legacy by creating a ninja warrior-style playground in our community. This week's video is inspired by the incredible response I received when I reached out to friends and local businesses for help with this effort.

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Team Development Abbey Louie Team Development Abbey Louie

A 10-minute team-building activity

You know your team would benefit from more frequent team-building, but you don't know what to do or how to do it (and you certainly don't have time to research or design a bunch of activities!). Don't worry, I've got you covered. Watch this video to learn how to incorporate quick team-building activities into your regular team meetings without any pre-planning required.

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Was it really my fault?

What happens when we make a mistake? Most of us try to find something or someone else to blame before taking ownership; yet we expect others to take full ownership immediately when they slip up. The healthiest teams have a norm of admitting mistakes and apologizing to one another quickly. If your team isn’t there yet, it’s time to set the tone and lead by example.

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Leadership, Team Development Abbey Louie Leadership, Team Development Abbey Louie

Meeting Makeover: 5 Ways to Optimize Your Team’s Time

We were desperate to create connection during the pandemic. So desperate that we started scheduling more meetings and inviting more people to them. Now we’re stuck with meeting norms that are wasting time and money. It’s time for a reset. Leverage these five strategies for an effective meeting makeover that will optimize your team’s time.

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