How to recharge your team in just 10 minutes

Not long ago, my 7-year-old offered the perfect comment at just the right time to cut through some tension in the room (watch the video to hear the story). Sometimes the smallest act can break through big stress and tension. Is your team in need of this kind of relief right now? 

The truth is that stress can often keep us from accessing our brightest ideas, and focusing on that stress for too long can dampen our spirits. To boost your team’s potential and motivation, take a break and do something fun. It can be as simple as a walk (or speedwalking race) around the building or a cookie break in the conference room (with no laptops or phones allowed). Whatever the distraction, the goal is to take your minds off work for just 10 minutes.

We all know that the right joke at the right moment has the power to reset our moods, our brains, and our energy - so let’s take advantage of this simple practice this week.


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