3 magic questions that turn blank stares into dynamic discussion

Recently, a client of mine worked hard to establish a clear vision with specific priorities and corresponding KPIs for her team. This was not a typical practice in her organization, so it was a big deal and I know it's giving her team the direction they need to pursue big success over the next year.

She rolled out the draft to her team and asked for input, wanting to incorporate their ideas before finalizing. Unfortunately, she received almost no feedback from them.

Sound familiar? This scenario is very common. It's not that people don't want to collaborate or that they are afraid to share feedback, but too often they have a hard time coming up with valuable input on the spot. Asking specific questions that narrow the focus of the feedback will help make the process easier and more robust.

In this video, I share three of my favorite questions to spark dynamic dialogue—questions I personally use when facilitating large and small group brainstorming sessions, especially when team members are reacting to an update or strategy shared by a leader.


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