The Blog
A collection of ideas and resources.
3 simple strategies for responding to criticism
How do you respond when someone says “You’re wrong”? Do you whip out your boxing gloves or start wagging your tail?
What are you wearing?
It's time to pull out your favorite blazer or blouse before that next big presentation. It just might give you the edge you need to deliver at your best.
Reflecting on experience
I offer 3 simple questions to help you reflect on your work and act on your insights.
A lesson from Grandma
My grandma was a powerful force, and she focused her energy on what she could control—on what was possible.
The power of a circle
In a difficult situation or relationship, draw a circle around yourself and work on everything inside that circle.
How to solicit actionable feedback
If you want others to give you honest, actionable insights, then you need to change the way you ask for it.
What not to do when work gets hard
We have a tendency to overshare the details of our efforts in hopes of receiving more recognition and empathy, but often the reverse happens.
The business case for reflection
Research shows that we perform better—with more confidence and competence—after pausing to reflect and learn from past experience.
Year-end roundup: four reflection exercises
Free PDF exercises for Professional Fit, Strategic Planning, Vision Building, and 2020 Reflection.
Two must-ask questions
When you want to do an outstanding job in a new role or client relationship, it’s better to simplify your strategy than making a long to-do list.
The scientific benefits of gratitude
Evidence suggests that incorporating things like gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion create workplace environments where employees actually want to work.
Are you with me or against me?
Good news—our brains can recategorize people as in-group, even when strong differences exist.