Year-end roundup: four reflection exercises

2020 has been quite the year. Whether yours overflowed with bright spots or unexpected hardships (or both), there's no question that it was filled with new experiences. Rather than hastily rush into a new year, I encourage you to spend time reflecting on and learning from the past one first. A favorite quote of mine sums it up well:

"We don't learn from experience. We learn from reflecting on experience."

– John Dewey

Let's not waste the opportunity to grow from our 2020 experiences and enter 2021 with stronger clarity, courage, and purpose. 

To help you do this, I've rounded up four of my signature reflection exercises and am giving them to you for FREE because I really want you to take advantage of this season of reflection. Each exercise serves a slightly different purpose, but they all guide you through a process to leverage insights from the past to skillfully and thoughtfully plan for the future.

Print them off. Pick the ones that resonate with you. Set aside quiet time to fully dive in. And trust the process. If you get stuck, engage a friend or colleague who knows you well—sometimes they can see things in us we can't see ourselves. If you're not convinced that it's worth your time, watch this two-minute video and I'm 99% sure you'll change your mind. Enjoy!

The Free Printable Exercises

Find your sweet spot exercise


If you're feeling disenchanted with your current job, this might be the one for you. This guide will help you identify your sweet spot—the place where your purpose, values, strengths, and interests overlap. I use this handout with my college students, but it's applicable to any career stage.

Strategic Planning PDF guide


We often overcomplicate strategic planning. In reality, a planning process that's too complex results in lower execution rates. Simple is better. Use this guide to lead your team through a clean and easy process that drives ownership, clarity, and action. Bonus: editable PPT templates included.

Vision building guide PDF


Too often, we allow fate to direct our path, but there is so much more we can influence and accomplish with a little thought and action. That’s where this guide comes in handy. While personal vision building can often feel overwhelming, this five-step guide.


This worksheet provides a quick exercise with several prompts on one page. It's a great one to bring to a family dinner or team meeting and take turns sharing insights and responses. 2020 was one for the books and this is a fun printable to keep for memory's sake.

Make it easy on yourself. Sign-up one time to receive all four downloads in a single email. 



The business case for reflection


A strategic planning process that actually works