The Blog
A collection of ideas and resources.
When feedback isn’t working…
If you're tired of addressing the same frustration over and over again with your team, this quick video is a must-watch. Discover how a simple change in approach—focusing on the system rather than the individual—can lead to lasting improvements.
How to be more approachable
I believe one of the greatest superpowers a leader can possess is the ability to come across as exceedingly approachable. In this video, I'll share my best strategy for getting there.
The 3 things your employees need from you
Many years ago in high school, I had a rough basketball season. Instead of continuing to improve over time, my skills and execution deteriorated. Why? Because I was missing the three things that every team member needs in order to perform at their best. Do your employees have these three things from you?
Why can’t they deliver like you do?
When employees can’t perform tasks as well as we do, we’re quick to feel frustrated and make assumptions about their abilities. We often forget what it takes to develop new skills. This video takes a quick deep dive into this very issue through the lens of a recent client coaching conversation.
What made my vacation so great (and how to replicate it)
I recently spent an unforgettable week at a dude ranch with my family. This trip turned out to be my favorite vacation ever, and you may be surprised to know why. In this video, I share one of the biggest factors that made the experience so great and how we can implement it in our daily work and personal lives.
What to do when you don’t know the answer
Recently, my doctor didn't know what to do with an issue I brought to her. How she responded bolstered my trust in and respect for her even more. I think we can learn from her example in this Two-Minute Tip.
Unhappy in your job? Watch this.
It's no secret that we have seen a rise in attrition over the past few years. While I am a huge advocate of people finding work that brings a sense of purpose and joy to their lives, I think we have overcorrected into a norm of jumping ship too quickly. Here’s why, and what we can do about it.
Do we even need managers?
Sometimes, we feel stifled by management, believing we could do our work more easily without the hierarchy in the way. Do we even need formal leadership structure in place if we have smart, high-performing employees? Google experimented with this idea in 2002. Find out what happened.
The best way to build trust with your team
We all recognize the absolute importance of building trust on our teams, yet sometimes we're unsure of how to do it.
In this video, I draw on a recent parenting analogy to illustrate what I believe to be the most effective method for building trust with your employees.
The lowest-scoring leadership practice
Thanks to extensive research conducted by Kouzes and Posner, we know which leadership behaviors are exercised most frequently and which are neglected.
Want to know which one ranks at the bottom? Watch this quick video to find out and learn how you can start leveraging this critical practice more effectively.
Let’s redefine the standard
This Two-Minute Tip stems from something I have really struggled with for years, so today's message has extra personal meaning for me.
I would absolutely love to see us reimagine the status quo in our workplaces around this challenge.
Please watch and, if you're a people leader, TAKE ACTION to challenge convention in your organization.
Even the best servant leaders do this
Even though servant leaders are passionately committed to caring for their teams, sometimes I see their ability to serve well fall short when they forget to consistently practice one of the most important, basic leadership functions. Find out what it is and make sure you're not neglecting this practice.