The Blog
A collection of ideas and resources.
Seeing Through the Stress: What You Might Be Missing
Stress can be an insidious force that blinds us to the struggles and experiences of those around us. I personally experienced this recently, causing me to miss important cues from those I love most. May we become leaders who thoughtfully look beyond ourselves to show genuine curiosity and concern for the people in our care.
My #1 Strategy for Public Speaking Preparation
Does public speaking make you anxious? If so, you're not alone—it is the most prevalent phobia in today's society. But fear not, because in today's video, I have a quick tip that can help you minimize the fear and deliver an impactful message.
3 Takeaways From 75 Hard
Here are three of my biggest takeaways from 75 Hard. It was as much a physical challenge as it was a time management challenge, and I’m so glad I chose to step into it.
How to remove chaos from your calendar
In a world where calendars are overflowing with back-to-back meetings and no time to pause, many of us feel out of control. Watch this week's Two-Minute to learn my #1 strategy for removing chaos from my calendar. Take it and make it yours.
I lost 96% of my creativity. So did you.
According to a research, our ability to come up with new, different, and innovative ideas weakens dramatically with age. In this post, I explore the impact and offer a strategy to counter the problem.
Stop Trying and Start Training: The Mindset Shift You Need
Are you struggling with something at work that just doesn't come naturally to you? Maybe you're feeling discouraged because it seems like it comes naturally to everyone else. Watch this quick video to learn a small mindset shift that will give you confidence, motivation and forward progress in this challenge area.
How to get honest feedback
Most of us want to know what others think of us and how we can improve. But we’re going about getting this feedback all wrong. In this article, we explore a small shift that will make a big difference in your ability to get honest, actionable feedback from others.
6 strategies to get the most out of working with a leadership coach
While training is a critical part of leadership development, the most profound and sustainable growth I’ve witnessed in my clients has been through coaching. Nothing compares to the power of one-on-one coaching. Today I want to teach you how to get the most out of working with a leadership coach.
How to get your team on your side
We all have opportunities for improvement. Instead of openly owning our weaknesses, we try to hide them and work on them quietly, hoping others won't notice our deficits. It doesn’t work. Try this approach instead…
Not your typical New Year’s resolution
Learn about the most effective New Year’s resolution I’ve ever made and why it’s still impacting my life today.
Best of 2022
As the year comes to a close, let's take a look at the Best of 2022 Two-Minute Tips. Based on your viewing preferences, here are the top videos this year.
What to do when you’re not getting the support you need
If you’re not receiving what you want and need from your boss, team, peer department, colleague, spouse, etc., watch this video for a strategy to consider. Be sure to watch until the end to hear a bonus prevention strategy.