Feeling unsupported at work? This might be why…

Have you ever felt like you weren’t getting the support you needed from your boss?

Maybe they’re too busy. Maybe you feel like you shouldn’t need extra help. Or maybe you’ve convinced yourself they just don’t care.

Before jumping to conclusions, consider this instead…

  • Recently I was working with a client who wasn't quite getting the support that she needed from her boss. She needed some more active one-on-one time with him to help her with a difficult project that she was working through. And of course, my first question to her was, well, does he actually know that you want and need more support? So often there's lack of awareness there.

    So, quick personal story to help demonstrate this. My oldest daughter, Kennedy, recently got to participate in a district-wide history competition where she researched a topic of interest and created a website around her research to submit in this competition.

    And on a Saturday, a recent Saturday, students who created poster boards got to present all day. Those with a website, unfortunately there weren't enough judges for her to get to present to a panel of judges. So she was bummed about that. But there was an awards ceremony at the end of this day and she of course wanted to go to see what would happen.

    Well, she had an opportunity to just go with a friend. It was a short 30-minute ceremony and we had a packed Saturday. So I was kind of thinking, well, maybe I'll just send her with her friend, 'cause I don't even, I don't know what the odds are of her getting an award and just seems like maybe not a huge deal.

    Well, after a little bit, I did check in with her and I said, hey, are you really hoping that I will go to the ceremony with you? And she was so sweet. She's like, well, if you don't have time, it's okay. But yes, it would be nice to have you there.

    And I'm so glad she vocalized this, right? Otherwise, I maybe would've thought no big deal to send her with her friends while I finished on with the busy Saturday.

    Well, thank goodness I went because she did place. She got a third place award, which I was so proud of her and she was excited.

    But here's the deal. Going back to that initial story with the client -- so often we want or need a different level of support or presence from our boss than they are giving us. And we just come up with all sorts of stories and assumptions as to why they're not giving that to us. They're too busy, they don't have enough time for that. I shouldn't be asking for that. They don't care. So many different assumptions.

    And at the end of the day, we just need to ask, we need to be clear about what we need from them. Like Kennedy was clear about desiring for me to come be present at this awards ceremony.

    So if you are not getting what you want from your boss right now, I ask you then: how aware are they of what you want or need? Chances are, you need to better communicate what it is you desire to have from them in order to best support you.


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